April 08, 2011

Assembly part 2

Yesterday in work I cut out 3 disc's to be used for the shoulder discs (for 1 side), I then bolted them together and turned the dia to size. Also because the jigsaw & me made a right mess of cutting lol.

I also cut out the top ring plate.

Then at home, I centred and drilled the discs to the side panel. And drilled through the bolt clearance holes.

I then started to fit the angle suports, for the top plate & ring to fix onto.

I had to make the t-nuts counter sunk into the side panel to clear the shoulder discs. Plus clearance holes in bak face of the shoulder disc to clear any extra length of thread [can be seen in first pic].
Will be able to do some more this evening. Work in the sunshine, makes a change :-D

Won't be able to do much Saturday as am taking the kids and wife to Corsham, for the Sci-Fi Family Fun Day. Hopefully back to it on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Vintage Blog post ;) Can't believe how long ago this was hahaha
