January 27, 2022

The Book of Boba Fett: R5-D4

*** SPOILER ALERT!!! ***

The Book of Boba Fett







Sat down to watch Episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett and was excited (as always) to see R5 in action 😍😍😍😍😍

Flicking between watching the scene and paying close attention to R5.... I was disappointed to notice continuity errors in his appearance 😞😞😞😞😞.

When R5 was re-introduced in The Mandalorian, session 2, there were the usual hype and details noted which could be explained away as 'over time this and that were fixed'. OK, so THIS version is the NEW version, that's cool.

Then in his latest appearance, I noticed a few details and ALL in the one scene!

The above images were captured, in time order in the scene he appears in.

  1. shot, no motivator panel, no rear box red strips.
  2. shot, motivator panel in place, red box strips.
  3. shot, repeat 1st shot.
  4. shot, repeat 2nd shot.
Now, either one of two things:
  • The version with the motivator panel in place [which was seen in the behind the scenes documentary on Disney+] is the REAL remote controlled version.
  • The version with no panel in place is either a repainted version [filmed at a different time] or is CGI.

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