October 10, 2018

Feel The Force Day 6 - Peterborough 2018 **Event Report**

Saturday 6th October

As usual R5 was already loaded up ready for an early start, driving up to Peterborough, for the 6th Feel the Force Day.

Arrived after a long drive up in the rain, thankfully access wasn't a distance to worry about with R5 out in the rain. I REALLY do need to get one of Lee's protective covers [update soon]. There were loads of costume/cosplay groups attending and on entering the main hall, I found Adam with his R2-D2 & also there was his Wall-E robot.

If you've not heard of this event (here in the UK) then check out their Website page, Facebook page, You Tube channel, Twitter & Instagram accounts for what they do and what it's all about.

Door's opened at 11am and everyone was glad to get in from the drizzel outside. There were lots of guests, there were stage performances from childrens dance and drama clubs.

R5 & R2 .....and Wall-E got lots of attention and except for Wall-E's head, are both able to take hugs and hands without worrying about possible damage.

I did manage to get some photos, posted already on my Instagram feed & Facebook page.

These are of course Star Wars related, but that was because these people wanted pictures with R5 lol. There were all kinds of costumes from all films & TV shows, young and old.

The event finished up at 6pm, but I had to leave earlier. Today was another great day for Feel the Force and heard so many positive comments about it from people walking around. Good luck for future events.

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