May 10, 2016

'R0' dome build - 1.5 'Radar Eye'

April 22nd 2016

I thought I'd see what all this 3D printing stuff is all about lol.

My Bosses Boss, recently bought herself a 3D printer and offered to print different stuff to test the machine. So I found an STL R2 radar eye and she was kind enough to print it off.


Material is PLA, which on reading up is not the best if you want a good surface finish.....on the radar eyes front face, lol. Never mind. Nine hours later and I have a radar eye printed.
Just needed to be filed and sanded, filered and re-sanded to get a good smooth surface finish on the front faces.
Radar eye, R0-L0

Radar eye
The 3D file was not 100% correct. These little details were corrected tho.

Next was to build up the rear to meet the domes surface. I used car body repair resin, once I had boxed in the sides etc. Added some cardboard to the side's and inner faces.
Radar Eye

Radar eye

The cardboard gives a rough idea of the level needed to be filled so the Radar Eye sit's flush with the dome.

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