September 05, 2011

Legs - at last!

Cut out the paper templates I'd printed off on A3 size sheets, in sections, a few weeks ago. And stuck them down onto 5mm thick hardboard. I screwed two of these cut outs together to make up a template for cutting the main wood sections with the jigsaw with.

The wood I already have is18mm thick'ish, so I'll need two of these & one 8mm section. Making a thickness of 44mm'ish. The 8mm piece will have the middle cut out for power cables for R5's feet motors.

The longest leg section, will have to have its thickness reduced by 12mm. Add the outer section of 18mm + the 6mm left over from the previous operation = 24mm, close enough to 1" the plan size. This will then fit the foot slot.

Time taken so far = 1hr.

P.S. Don't quote me on the correct dimension, always follow the Builder's Club plans ;-D

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