R5's transport sledge finally got the handle I needed to fit on it. I managed to get this all done last week before MCM Birmingham.
Due to the weight/balance point it was uncomfortable to more it around. You had to bend at an awkward angle to balance the weight.
So I removed one of the top 'supports'. These were just to give the upper section some stability when R5's loaded up and is in transit in the back of tha car. It wasn't actually needed, hence why I used it. I literally cut it in half as to get the maximum height. I then positioned the uprights in position. Then using the holes already drilled, I fixed them in place. Next was to drill a large hole through to fix a t-nut for the M6 bolt.
I then drilled two 1" dia holes for the two new aluminium sockets I had to machine up in work. Then it was a case of screwing and bolting both uprights onto the frame.
I had already checked that these wouldn't be a problem once the sledge was led down in the rear of the car.
I just need to paint up the sawn pieces.
The MCM Comic Con event was it's first 'test' and it was a great help. Still not perfect, but WAY better than it was before lol.
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