March 22, 2012

Centre Foot - Mark 2.6

Drilled another hole in the opposite side panel, that will be hidden by curved detail panel. So that long nose pliers can hold the nut when tightening the bolt up. Works OK, so next, the top panel can be glued in place.
Enlarged the second ankle hole in the angle for the centre leg bolt. This will help with aligning it up. Then  I gave the exposed angle a coat of primer. Primed panels lightly sanded before applying wood filler where needed.
Extra wood filler applied

Brian in development [where I do most of my work] noticed that my flat faced drill bit needed sharpening, so he re-sharpened it! Thanks :) So back in work today and more 'chain drilling' out the base with holes. Then used a Milling cutter in the Piller drill and used it to mill the inside edges flat.
Tested wheel swing diameter, and the lower plate frame needs some more trimmed off.
Here's a picture showing the protrusion of the wheel out of the bottom, so far.
And here's an 'all-together' picture [minums 

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