The two 'fixed, in-line' wheels, where good, but made pushing in directions a bit difficult at times.
So wanted to replace with two more swivel casters. I also wanted to reduce some of its weight and clean up the lines a bit. So the two protruding sections (holed wheel slots) where marked and sawn off.
I then marked and drilled two holes for the threaded swivel casters. I used t-nuts this time rather than trying to fit normal nuts, like on the two the other end.
Not much lighter, but is a bit and is easier to move when R5's not loaded up on him. Defo easier to move around.
Extra Projects & Event Page's
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- R5-D4's ....Bad Motivator development
- R5-D4 - silver neck details
- R4-D4 - Dome [wood build]
- R0-D4 Dome [wood build]
- 3D Printing
- *** Star Wars Shoes ***
- GOUD-4 Messenger Droid - Solo ASWS
- Event: Mshed Bristol 2025
- Event: Mshed Bristol 2024
- Event's 2018
- Event's 2017
- Event 2016 - "Celebration Europe"
- Event's 2015
- Event 2014 - Chippenham Sci-Fi
- R5-D4 - events page - The beginning (2013)
- ** R5-D4 patch **
- R5-D4 Photos
- Costume for my Son - Han Solo -
- Costume for my Son - Boba Fett
- Droid Caller - Han Solo style
- Scanning Crew Container - Transmitter Storage Box
- Stormtrooper - me
- Rogue One - trading card storage box
- Rogue One
- Jabba’s gate prop for Celebration 2023
- Treadwell Droid - WED-15-77
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