February 13, 2025

3D print's Prusa latest additions

Linktree will take you to my Prusa account where you can find most of my files I've created, free to download.

Credit is appreciated, which also helps overs find these too.

These and more can be found on my Prusa page. These are all FREE to use.

Trading Card Dispenser (version 3) - TCD [2025]

3D printable, trading card cartridge,
New cartridge - version 3

Re visited the design of this unit and had a thought about simplifying/updating it.

A reoccurring issue I hear is with the metal springs. Either they are not the ones stated on the PDF document I created, or just simply the stiffness isn't correct.

This upgraded design does away with metal springs and instead, I have created [am impressed with myself on this one 😄😄😄] a 3D printable spring!!
3d printing, 3d spring
3D printable spring [not print orientation shown]

I did try a coil design, lol, as I use AutoCAD for work and we use 3D versions in our valves for visual representational use, but this wasn't going to work. So I created a flat 'Z' spring. The first one I printed from the design actually worked, first time.

This then required me to modify the cartridge housing and card plate, but everything else uses the original main motor bracket etc.

This cartridge is a direct size replacement for the original one, the only downside is that it now holds fewer cards due to the 'Z' spring not compressing as much as the metal springs did.

......but I then went and designed a TALL version. This is a new TALLer cartridge housing, and a new TALLer main motor bracket unit. The below image shows the new TALLer version being printed.
3D printing, 3D spring
Version 3b, new TALLer version being printed

The NEW version 3 Cartridge, is now uploaded to my Prusa account, click on the Prusa to be directed there.

January 24, 2025

BlueSky social media

November 2024.....
Well, the time had come to say see-ya to Twitter.
So have joined up on Bluesky!
Bluesky, social media page

Click on the above picture will take you to my account page.

A lot of people/friends were already on there which is nice, so now I'm rebuilding my followers. I'll be posting up on Twitter to share my change of location, hopefully everyone follows again.

January 20, 2025

Trading Card Dispenser - Facebook group 2025

End of 2024, I created a
Trading Card Dispenser page,
but this was not what I wanted
so I created a proper group account,
for people to chat, post builds, and ask questions etc.

Link to the group page:

There is a chat also on FB's messenger service.

YouTube link of dispenser in action

December 13, 2024

‘Trading Card Dispenser’ control box - servo switch controlled [Part 2]

Back in 2022, I posted up about the electronics
for the TCD Control Box.

This was supposed to be THE new RC switch controlled unit, see picture.

Wrong RC switch [not a momentary one]

.....rather than the previous (and very successful it was too) remote controlled version picture here below.
original remote controlled fob version

The new RC switch that I thought was the correct one, wasn't a momentary version, but an on/off one.

Momentary RC switch
So I had to get a new RC switch, from Model Radio Workshop.

The above switch then links to a (original design) micro voltage regulator (seen in next image) and an adjustable automotive timer (orange)

  • The single relay controller (from model radio workshop) has been designed to allow modellers to switch one item on and off (max current 1 amp).
  • The unit also allows the user to select latching or non latching mode, so in latching once switched on it stays on until you trigger it to un-latch.

These have gone up in price so had to find another (cost effective) type of adjustable timer(The timer unit is the orange relay in below picture).

Components List for a RC Transmitter switch version:

Components List for a Remote control relay switch version:
  • Remote control relay: example here.
  • Adjustable relay timer: example here.
  • Voltage regulator, 12v stepdown version: example here.

The above two versions have different 3D housings (If you'd like this), these can be found on my Prusa account page, FREE to download and print.

I have now created a Facebook page,
dedicated for the
Trading Card Dispenser.
To help and for others to share their builds and modifications etc.

November 28, 2024

October 17, 2024

Trading Card Dispenser: WIDE version

December 2023:
Mike’s card maker, unfortunately, don’t always cut them to the same tight tolerance, so in the past I’ve had to trim them down to fit in the TCD unit.

This isn’t really practical lol so I decided to make a second WIDE version of the TCD to allow for this. I couldn’t just increase the size in Cura, as this would mess with all the other dimensions.
So the cartridge inside width was increased and the main body’s slot opening was also increased slightly.

I 3D printed off a full set from the files & assembled them, cannibalising motor parts & spring plate from an older model.

January 2024:
Testing the new version and it worked.


October 2024, I'll be uploading this version to my Prusa account in the near future.

Treadwell WED-15-77: Part 28

July 2024:
Here was to be the final instalment of the Treadwell build 😀
Recent work has been mostly focused on making the sledge to transport WED on, via the cars roof rack.

Needed to fit a speaker and wasn’t happy with my original position idea. So decided to fit in inside the ‘logic housing’.

Position located:

How to find the centre of a circle lol

Dug out this adjustable hole cutter. Think I last used this to make the holes in R5’s legs!

Making a start on the hole.

One hole cut out.

Speaker fitted with its spacer ring, that I had previously made for the GOID-4 messenger Droid.

Re-installed the ‘Logic housing’ (the hole cutter wouldn’t fit inside it).

I had added longer leads from it to reach the amplifier board.
Just need to finish off some connections and save some sound files. Keep forgetting these last two pieces. Needed to buy a proper servo controlled switch, similar to the one used in R5, but this ones a single and much smaller.
Another tweak, was the addition of a volume (potentiometer) to boost the sound. When I couldn’t hear it at Mshed event, I knew I had to install one.
3D printed the knob from a file on the Prusa printables website.

Had to rewire the signal to volume dial to amp to speaker wires.

Claw arm servo:
The new micro servo arrived sooner than expected lol, but I had already started on a modified 3D printable housing to fit a new metal geared SG90 size servo. It didn’t take up much more space , but i had to reposition the securing screw, and add a second one.

I used brass knurled threaded inserts & M3 screws.

I made a slot in the side to allow the servo horn some freedom. This once finished, could be covered.

I needed to add a slot in the claws tube to allow some flexibility for the wire that connects to the servo horn.

I also added a location hole for a screw.

Next was to remove the servo plug so that it could connect with the servo lead.

Almost forgot about painting it…..
Primer applied after some sanding.

Dug out the paints and got to adding brown, yellow and ochre.

Then black to give the dirty oily look.
At the Mshed event, I was asked by some of the builders if Tread was metal construction, they were surprised to hear the upper section was all 3D printing.

I know I said this was going to be the last post on this build, but I have a few more tweeks to do with things I wasn’t happy with, so there’s more to come.

July 25th…….
The original wheels were spaced away from the base, as can be seen in these two  photo.

original deleted scene SW ANH
remade version for the prequals

So I decided to draw up some spacers and 3D printed them. This along with some more substantial axle bushes with bearings in, to better support and properly align the wheels. And finally, some new axle's at over 180mm in length!