July 14, 2015

'Bad Motivator' - upgrade to power lift 'Blown' status 1.9 [You-Tube]

.......sorted out the Motivator to lower back down after being activated......here's a VERY short video.

I fitted a simple rubber band to the actuator, so retract the motivator after the power switches off.
R5D4, Bad Motivator

The noise from the pump vibrating on the inside of the wood dome, was a bit to loud for my liking, regardless of the fact that at an event you probably wouldn't hear it! So I uncliped the cable tie and cut up some foam, wrapped it round the pump and tied it back into place. This is now a lot quieter!
R5D4, smoke, bad motivator
It may not look pretty, but it does the job lol.

I have another small addition for the electrics to make things look and act how I'd really like.......

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