May 24, 2024

Treadwell WED-15-77: Part 27 - Testing

Well…… A few hiccups before the finale.
  • The tracks need shortening (both).
  • The mast base support needed a slot in it (think i did this as a second version on the model but didn’t reprint it.
May 9th
Connected up the battery and plugged in the fuses and plugs into the receiver, and powered up.
After dipping the Sabertooth into tank mode, right transmitter stick in full control.

I added WED-15 to the transmitter, and colour coded the LED’s to match.

Might also have to invest in some blue sticks.

May 10th
Today was the mast and head install.
This was there I realised I hadn’t but a slot in the mast base plate for the servo leads. I decided NOT to bother with the servo block plug, as it would of been difficult to reach once the mast was fitted. I just extended the servo leads.

I first connected up the head pivot servo.
Then the eye/head servo for the up down action.

Once happy with this, I connected up the main claw arm lift servo to a switch on the transmitter. Again, all good.
Next was the claw servo…. It worked but not for long??

Its been a while since testing it so don’t know if I hadn’t done something right, as on closer inspection, the case looked warped.

Took it out of the forward servo casing and, yes, the gears had jammed and one had melted, over heating the motor and melting the servos housing.

I did take a test video, you can watch it in the next post.

May 13
I trimmed the neck servo to increase it’s turning range. I also adjusted the head servo to increase it’s looking up position.

May 15
I got round to pinning the head/eye supports to the pivot bar. I had to fit an additional cross bar back in, for rigidity.
The ‘piston’ and the two ‘clamp’ rings got a respray, to a more brass look.

The eye/head servo lead I decided to modify by adding an additional plug on the outside of the neck. This allows the eye/head unit to be fully removable, found it so much easier to work on this way.

Added a spacer to reduce the clearance between the neck and mounting plate.
This fits under the bearing shim.

May 21st:
Tested out the track on the ground.

It works, but the teeth are still a problem, also the front brackets are flexing under the tension and there’s not enough torque on the axle nuts.
3D printing some beefier versions out of ABS.
I’ll also be printing new motor brackets in ABS too as these were flexing slightly.
Ordered a new nano servo.

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