Extra Projects & Event Page's

September 05, 2024

R5-2JE astromech: Anniversary

Today, September 5th, back in 2018, I got to work on a little project code named 'TRIXIE'.

R5-2JE astromech - The Rise of Skywalker

Due to change of plans on set, I didn't get to operate R5 that day, but I did get to assist Lee Towersey, and R2, on set, stood opposite the Falcon 😍. Sam P, was eventually the operator of R5 as well as his own droids, a few days later.

Another amazing opportunity (the third one) that I am truly grateful for to of experienced. Being behind the scenes is hard work, but worth it 😊.

#R52JE is named so for three very special reasons 💓💓💓

R5 has appeared in three films (different colour schemes), this being the only time the droids designation suggested was used.
'2J' represents my two eldest children, Jessica & Jacob, and 
'E' for my youngest daughter Evie.

For those interested, R5 has the unique features of his centre leg only having one ankle cylinder, and a restraining bolt! Have a search for images and see if you can find him lol


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