Extra Projects & Event Page's

September 04, 2022

Event Report: Pembroke Dock Heritage Centre - Falcon Fun Day

Early start, Mike picked me up at 7am, for the 2 1/2 hour drive over to Pembroke Dock's. A long drive, but chatting and catching up on recent events, made the time fly.

We arrived around 9:30am'ish. Introduction’s with members of the 501st Welsh Garrison & member’s of the heritage centre. Before we unloaded the droids from Mike’s van and wheeled them up the ramp. The outside area is cobblestone’s so we decided best to keep the droids inside lol on the carpeted floor.

The centre is not very big, but pack’s a lot inside, including a cafeteria. Outside where stalls and food as well as music DJ.

We were able to view the main attraction, the Millennium Falcon exhibit, before the event opened. A lot of images I’ve not seen before as well as video footage and a modified model version of the Millennium Falcon showing half completed, half as framework with wooden skin, as would of been in its full scale assembly.

Click on above image for a short YouTube video.

Photos from the day:

Other pictures of the day:

Mike said to someone they should ask for my autograph 😂……. As I was getting mistaken for Lee T, who was on the background video we had playing.

This was the que lol….. 

A future builder joined us on the day and tock these following images of the droids.
DJSS photography
(Find them on Facebook)

Thanks D, these are great.

There was lots to keep people busy, inside and out. The weather was amazing, warm and sunny. The people great and didn’t mind my long winded answers to their questions about the droids etc lol.

The event finished at 4pm and it didn’t take long to pack up. Another chat with everyone working, they kind of expected it to be busy, but were surprised by just how MANY people turned up!!

Another great event supported.
Thanks to everyone who attended as well as the boys from the Welsh garrison, it was HOT for them. And finally a big thanks to our hosts at the Heritage Centre.

*** UPDATE ***
We made the local news:

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