Extra Projects & Event Page's

April 09, 2018

Optimus Comic Con 3 - Bristol (UK) - Event Report

Sunday April 8th, was us attending Optimus Bristol Comic Con.

This was my first time attending and joined Paul, who's a vet of these events now lol. Rob joined us for his first event, driving up from down South. We all arrived about 8:30am and were told to just find a free spot to set up.
Lined up ready for the day ahead
We were helped by Paul's lovely wife & his daughter and son-in-law, thanks 😊.

The Passenger Shed is quite a large venue, there was lots going on, 'Movie Cars', coplay competition etc. Stalls, arcade area, an inflatable Stay-puff man lol.

Was great to see a few familiar faces, thanks to Mel for this pic of us lol
Optimus, R2D2, R5D4

We drove the droids around the event and stopped by the signings.

Whilst waiting around and chatting, actor/director Robert Cavanah, came over to chat to us about the droids. This event was his first attending a signing. After a good 10-15 mins chatting about some of his work, he asked if he could have his picture taken with R2 & R5.
These were taken on his phone, so when he's able to send me them, I'll post them up.

Paul checking out some tunes on his R2 portable walkman lol
The day was a very busy one, and things only started to quiet down around 4pm'ish. The event finished up at 5 and so we packed up and loaded up the cars.

Home in 20mins, now that's a first for an event for me lol.

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