Extra Projects & Event Page's

July 28, 2017

UK R2 Buidlers Club - New Logo for 2017

The UK R2 Builders Club has been running for 6 years now
and it was time to upgrade the logo.

So I've now added and updated my Blog picture to include it.

New Club logo, added top right
If your interested in building your own R2 or any of the other Astromech's, have a flick back over my R5 build history,
see the column on the right (if viewing via a PC),
for short cuts to specific parts of my R5 build.
Or you can click on the links below to take you
to the world wide club forum & the UK R2 Builders page,
where you can join up and follow thousands of other builders
in re-creating their own Astromech Droid.

R2 Builders Club @ www.astromech.net

UK R2 Builders Club @ www.astromech.info

Both groups also have FaceBook public & builder pages.

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