Extra Projects & Event Page's

June 09, 2017

Jessika 'Testor' Pava - helmet - 2.3

With my daughters timely reminders that I've not done any work on her costume lol, I got back on to working on her helmet.

I've been reading but mostly watching since I started this project, You Tube videos of how to cast helmets and this multi-part tutorial has been invaluable source of info for a first timer, budget build attempt at casting a helmet.
Click on the picture to take you to his You Tube Channel
He stopped posting due to work commitments but as his viewing numbers show, he has been useful to others.


Here's the start of me applying cardboard around the edges.
the force awakens rebel pilotthe force awakens rebel pilot

I've also ordered some clay, and next will be to buy silicone tubes.
Am looking forward to this with each little step lol.

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