Extra Projects & Event Page's

March 20, 2017

R5's dome rotation upgrade 1.3 + (Banebot wheels)

Managed to do some more work on the new dome ring at the weekend.
Lots of thinking, marking, drilling......then re-thinking, bit more marking and yep....more drilling lol. Customising something to fit something else can be a pain the the a$$ lol.

Marked up the bearing on the dome, for it's screw positions. Then made up two blocks that are screwed behind the new ring to add strength to the location points.
R5D4 dome ringR5D4 dome ring

The 'A' is the location point to be drilled.
And here's the hole and the opening to accept the nylock nut which holds the screw onto the bearing race.
R5D4 dome ring

I had to make two of these as the third hole goes into one of the frame uprights.
ring positioned and testing length of new securing bolts

This fit's great on the dome and the body.
R5D4 dome ring
But because the dome location holes were made 0.5mm bigger, there's slight movement. This may be rectified once the metal skin is added. But may need to add additional location bolt uprights. So far so good tho :)

Another plus was that my new dome motor wheels arrived.

Banebot 'blue' & 'orange' wheels, different hardness's. I wanted two blue ones as they have become as rare as Unicorn poo! But I literally had the last one in stock, so had to get the orange one. This wasn't a problem as the softer rubber may be better at gripping the lazy susan bearings inner ring.
Instagram picture of the wheels.

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