Extra Projects & Event Page's

My R5-D4's ....Bad Motivator development

This page includes the history of my 'smoke system' fitted into my R5 unit.

Star Wars Screencaps.com 1977

2015: I remember seeing images/video of an R5 at an event that had a small [disco] fog machine installed in it's dome. But apart from the majority of machines being large at the time, the cost of one was ridiculous! Not to be put off, I started searching for alternatives...

I came across a post on the Ghostbusters section of the RPF forum, where e-cig's had been modified to produce the effect of the Proton pack 'venting'. Now having an idea of what to look for, searching up online became easier.

original connection of wires was tricky to solder in and not block the air flow

After lots of testing, these led to the version originally installed in my R5. Along with the pop up 'Bad Motivator', being operated by remote control on a timer relay. Things to consider also was the voltage, pump size and best liquid to get thick smoke (without it being toxic or setting of smoke alarms :D lol)

Due to issues with the door solenoid actuator, I decided that it and the smoke system needed an update. As part of this I wanted the e-cig unit to be more accessible, so I looked into the connections to see if there could be a way of combining standard vape components so that refilling the e-cig would be easier.

YouTube links to smoke tests:


Bench setup test for later version:

2019: This was when I bought a cheep battery powered e-cig unit and this led me to the idea of using the threaded connectors which obviously powers the e-cig, seen in video above ☝🏽 

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